VOXX Intros Store-Branded Remote Start App

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VOXX Electronics plans to introduce in the next 45 days remote start branding for retailers in a car-starter app for CarLink

When CarLink customers user their phones to start the car or lock/unlock doors, they will see the store’s name and logo for the system and not the VOXX or CarLink label if they choose to configure the app that way.

Additionally, the app permits the dealer to send push notifications that appear on the smartphone app.  Users might see a small note saying “50 Percent Off Woofers Today.”  Dealers are limited to one message per month so the customers are not “spammed.”

“It enables dealers a direct connection to their consumers who have already been in the store.  In the Northeast there are thousands of remote starts sold each season, so it’s a huge customer base you can connect to,” said VOXX’s Shane Wilson.

The app also shows the retailer’s store information, hours, Facebook page and a GPS map with directions to the shop.

The backend system works by linking the dealer’s phone number.   Any installation they perform for the CarLink is linked to that phone number and the customer is routed in the system to the dealer’s portal. Google pulls all the dealer info including show hours and more and populates the screen.

The app supports both iPhone and Android devices.

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