Metra Launches Proscenium Line at SEMA

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At the SEMA Show last week, Metra Electronics showed a new brand called Proscenium, which will be sold as a direct dealer-only line.

Proscenium is a series of high end Line Output Converters (LOCs) that will ship by the end of the year.  The line includes 8 models, many handling up 40 volts/400 watts for use with higher end factory systems.  These are Metra’s first high end LOCs.

The Proscenium  line offers load selection, ground isolation circuits, and multiple turn on modes for flexibility. The line runs up to 4 input channels and 4 output channels (2 main plus 2 subwoofer).

LOCs convert high level factory signals to low level signals that allow users to add aftermarket equipment to the car’s audio system.

See specs of four of the new models below.

Metra New Proscenium LOCs


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  1. how is this a bad reflection on metra? Now a dealer who has no access to pac or audio control has an option to sell them..

  2. All valid frankly points…

    But I would submit ‘why’ on Earth would any savvy retailer want to now support a new ‘brand’ — regardless of the name (curious as that one seems), from a company that has, according to some, rarely showed much interest in preserving upscale Dealer’s obtainable GP?

  3. Just another line of knockoffs… Does Metra ever have any original ideas or products? C’mon Metra… Design something on your own for once.

  4. Love Metra and all they do for our industry, but do they really need another brand name for a line of line output convertors?

    Wouldn’t it make more sense to market these under Axxess, since that is the brand for integration/interfacing, which is what a line output convertor does…..

    1. They created the new name to protect us from marketplace re-sellers dumping these for cheap. This line was meant for us! We actually get to make profit this time!

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