MSC holds “DSP Live and rePlugged” Event

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Press Release (EDITED): MESA, AZ— MSC, the North American distributor for high end car audio brands such as Brax, Helix and Match hosted 15 highly dedicated industry professionals, representing 12 companies from five different states for a two day training. The primary objective of this event was to encourage dealers to think differently.

Industry veterans and newcomers were educated on the proprietary time saving  and problem solving features of the Audiotec Fischer DSP PC Tool software by Chris Van Ry. After learning about tools such as Tune EQ, Input Signal Analyzer and Virtual Channel Processing, each person was able to hear the effects of equalization choices, crossover differences and time alignment in real time via a DSP/Laptop setup.

“I had never used DSP PC Tool before, but the instructor made it so easy to understand that I left knowing how to tune a car!” said Juan Castillo from J’s Tint in Dallas, TX.

On day two, the group was encouraged to “Cross the Line” to achieve better results  through use of the company’s smart system designs, efficient Tuning For Profit step-by-step process for DSP tuning and the innovative, engineered audio packages that are Systems by MSC. Finally, each attendee was able to experience the end result of all that they had learned, by auditioning the two on site demo vehicles equipped with products from the MSC family of brands.

With the increasing complexity of OEM audio and infotainment systems as well as the resurgent demand for high quality sound, trainings like these are a necessity. With the next event being planned for early in the first quarter of 2023, anybody who is interested in attending is encouraged to contact their MSC sales rep or the main office at 480-372-2929.

About MSC
MSC is the North American Distribution Partner for premium European brandsincluding Audiotec Fischer (Brax, Helix, Match), BLAM Audio, Stinger Radar as well as Mobridge integration products from Australia. MSC specializes in specialty independent retailer support with a heavy focus on training and advanced product integration. MSC also operates a full‐service retail facility which acts as the proof‐of‐ concept basis for new product development, techniques, and the backbone of partner support.

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