Alpine Names New Distributor

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Alpine Electronics

Alpine Electronics has named DOW Technologies as its new stocking rep (distributor) for the territories of Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and North and Sound Carolina.  DOW is already an Alpine distributor for the additional states of Florida, Arizona, Southern Nevada and Southern California. Together they make DOW a leading Alpine distributor in the South.

DOW Technologies Executive VP John Yodzis said the extended agreement with Alpine “continues our quest to …provide the independent 12 volt specialist with a great level of service with our location coverage, and ability to have access to inventory with a quicker turnaround time.”

DOW has expanded its presence in the 12 volt market in recent years, originally starting as a distributor for Florida and the southeast.  It purchased Eagle Distributing in 2015, which brought it into the Texas market.  From there it expanded its home audio custom integration lines into additional states, which led to some of those vendors awarding DOW their car audio lines as well.

It now stocks brands including Arc Audio, Compustar, iDatalink, Metra, Sony, Cobra, Lucas Lighting, Triton, SoundShield, AudioControl, SiriusXM, Mobile Solutions, Audiovox, Illusion Audio, Gladen, Blackhole, Wavtech, PAC, Heise, Clarion, Rostra, Rydeen, Echomaster, Momento, T-Spec, Raptor, InstallBay, Fusion, CRUX, Alpine, Axxess, SPL Boxes, CPS, Shuriken, Ballistic, SlipnGrip, weboost, and gotw3.

DOW Technologies is a member of the Elite Distributor Alliance (EDA) buying group.

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1 Comment

  1. The Team at DOW Technologies provide great customer service and superior attention to their accounts. They have definitely have their act together.

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