SounDigital Intros New EVOX2 Amplifiers

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SounDigital EVOX2

Press Release:Dania Beach,FL –  HKI USA, maker of SounDigital, is proud to announce SounDigital’s new EVOX2 series of monoblock amplifiers.

Taking advantage of the patented designs that allowed us to make the EVOX Multichannel amps so small and the theories behind what makes the EVOPS so robust, our world as we know it has changed. We have combined these amplifier families to release a new series of full range mono amplifiers to help solve the need for massive power, small footprints, and great sound quality.

The all new 1600.1 and 3000.1 EVOX2 amplifiers, now available for pre-order, have been a long time in the making while the technology used in them has finally caught up to the demand of our retailers and their clients.

These amplifiers are just the beginning of this new series that will combine the small size and efficiency that we expect from the EVOX line of amplifiers, while offering solutions for the full range power requirements of many high output installations.

The amazing control these amplifiers have are perfect for the traditional application of mono amplifiers pulling subwoofer duty, while their design lends a hand to making sure it is one of the best sounding amplifiers in its category.

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