More Stimulus May Be on the Way

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Congress is nearing a deal that would include stimulus payments to lower income Americans, according to many news reports Wednesday.

While the amount of the stimulus is not known, Politico says it will likely fall around $600.

The push for stimulus checks comes from President Trump as well as a call to action by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.).

Supporters of the stimulus checks say they will help millions of families who have had their job hours cut or lost their jobs.

Congress is now racing to finalize a COVID-19 aid package as they must pass a spending bill by Friday midnight in order to avert a government shutdown.

The impact of the first round of stimulus checks on businesses such as car audio was profound. It provided $1,200 for many adults and up to $500 per child.

The car audio business saw an estimated 28 percent gain after the first stimulus round.

The move by Congressional leaders to include a stimulus payment in its $900 billion relief package was widely reported this morning in news outlets including the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, ABC and more.

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