New 12 Volt Distributor Opens

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Robidoux Distributing launches as car audio distributor

A new 12 volt distributor officially opened Monday in the Midwest called Robidoux Distributing.

The company has actually been distributing industrial products since 1979 and has owned the Robidoux Inc Car Stereo shop for 12 years.  It is now launching a 12 volt distribution company that will distribute brands including Diamond Audio, Cerwin Vega Mobile, Nakamichi, DEI (Boom Mat), DS18  and BumpBoxx.

Based in Lincoln, NE, Robidoux will distribute to Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Southern Illinois (MINKS states) from its new 37,000 square foot facility.

Jeff Budin of ROCK-N-REV Sales & Marketing will act as a rep for the new distributor in the MINKS states, calling on local dealers.

“We are no stranger to the distribution business,” said owner Jamie Robidoux. “My family has been in business for over 40 years and customer service has always been our #1 priority. Our goal here is to become a welcoming local distributor that our retailers in the Midwest can count on…”

Robidoux said that as a car audio dealer, he was frustrated with the distributors in the area and finally decided to become the distributor that he wanted as a dealer.

“What got us into this is it’s so hard to carry a brand that has good MAP protection with a distributor that cares about you and checks in on you, at least in our area. It’s been a struggle over the years to keep consistency with a distribution partner.  We will offer a partner that checks in with dealers regularly, and the dealer is getting protected with the products they have,” Robidoux said.

For more information on becoming a dealer, contact Robidoux Inc. at [email protected] or [email protected]

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