AudioStak Expands

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Car Plus Gets AudioStak displays

AudioStak Interactive, maker of car audio demo displays for retailers, has expanded from providing individual displays to offering full store-remodels for retailers.

The company says the goal is to provide retailers a clean, “minimalist” showroom that is consistent with modern merchandising, and to maximum sales from the store’s square footage.

AudioStak now provides graphics for dealers to include their logo on their displays, new wood grain and other finishes for the displays. It offers complete floor plans and zero money down financing. “If you want high-end buyers, you need high-end finishes and colors that reflect that,” said AudioStak owner Elliott Scancan.

“What sets your store apart isn’t the brands you carry, it’s the experience you give customers.  It’s about relationships formed with your customers, but we provide the backdrop and set the mood so people know what to expect when they walk through your doors,” he said.

Car Plus, Merced, CA recently asked AudioStak to create a “Starbucks” feel to the store.  Below are the before and after photos of the remodel.

Car Plus Before Remodel
Before (above)


Car Plus Gets AudioStak displays


The displays are interactive and their selling point is reliability, claims AudioStak, which entered the market about a year ago after acting as a back-end supplier and service provider to AVIDWORX, the former display manufacturer.

A small to medium store can start a store redesign at $500/month, or a larger store at $1,000/month using premium finishes and upgrade features. But even at $200/month a store can get a “solid mix” of displays including displays for sound damping, OE integration or lighting, said Scancan.

from time finalizie a floor plan  and display deslelciton takes  4 to 6 weeks.

For more information visit or email [email protected]


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