DS18 Ships New Pancadáo Woofers

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DS18 Pancadao midbass woofer

DS18 is adding to its massive Pancadáo woofer line introduced last year.

Two new midrange woofers are shipping in 8- and 10-inch sizes, complementing the 12-inch midrange woofer (45lbs) introduced in 2019.

“These speakers are made to pick up a full range of frequencies so you can get massive midbass while also slaying the high range as well,” said the company.

First in the lineup is the Pancadáo Pro-1Kp8.4. This high powered 4-ohm and 8-ohm, sturdy and loud 8-inch midbass-full range woofer handles 1,000 watts RMS and 2,000 watts peak power.   Its frequency range is from 110Hz to 15kHz, with a 96db sensitivity helps you get maximum loudness without having to go to the maximum power of the speaker.

Next, the Pancadáo PRO-1.5kp10.4 midrange woofer is a 10-inch model with a sensitivity of 94.4 DB and an RMS rating of 1,500 watts and Max power of 3,000 watts. Frequency range is 80Hz to 10kHz.  It handles more power than 99% of all other 10-inch pro audio mid drivers, says DS18. With only a 5.23-inch mounting depth, it can be mounted almost anywhere. This option also comes in 4 and 8 ohms.

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