Accele Adds Touchless Switches to Prevent COVID Spread

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Press Release:  Santa Fe Springs, CA– Accele Electronics is pleased to announce its first product in the emerging “Personal Safety” category: the HMS200T Hand Motion Switch. The HMS200T provides no-contact control of car features, for those concerned about virus protection.  Our HMS200T is the perfect solution for Fleet Vehicles, Project Vehicles, Vans, Buses and Limousines and anyone concerned about the spread of virus during the Covid-19 pandemic.

As on the latest OE infotainment systems, activating the switch is as easy as waving your hand or a finger in front of the switch. For maximum user flexibility, the hand motion switch has an adjustable range from 2 – 8 inches. Also adjustable is a “momentary mode” with adjustable 0.5 to 20 second pulse output and a toggle on/off mode. The unit’s red or green LEDs can also be connected to a Car Alarm’s LED wire. This switch can be used to upgrade all your existing switches from a standard push switch to a high-tech touchless switch. Typical uses are fog or driving lights, alarm valet mode, actuators etc. Any vehicles with multiple drivers carrying multiple passengers on a daily basis are perfect candidates for these switches, including limos, buses, forklifts, and golf carts.

Accele’s HMS200T switches are available for immediate shipment.

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