A KnowledgeFest for All 12V Dealers

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car audio knowledgefest trade show

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Mobile Electronics Association (MEA) announced a second postponement of the popular KnowledgeFest tradeshow in Dallas.

In addition, it announced that the show will be broadcast digitally so that dealers who cannot travel to the event, can still benefit from training sessions and educational seminars.

MEA is calling the event, “KnowledgeFest Live.  It will be held in Dallas on December 4-6 and will include exhibitors and attendees from all previously scheduled KnowledgeFest events postponed earlier this year.

Also new this year, buyers from big box retailers have been invited to attend.

Retailers unable to attend the show in person will be able to register for KnowledgeFest Live through a digital platform.  They may then virtually attend education workshops, manufacturer trainings, and can take a virtual tour of the exhibit floor.

In addition, the annual Mobile Electronics Industry Award winners will be celebrated both virtually and in-person.

MEA said it is taking measures to ensure the show and the host hotel provide safety procedures to protect against COVID-19. Information is available at knowledgefest.com/safety.

To register for KnowledgeFest, visit KnowledgeFest.org


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