Alexa Turn the Radio Channel

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Soundstream, which announced it will offer an Alexa-based car radio this year, claimed it will add a second Alexa radio that will literally allow you to ask Alexa to change the radio channel and turn up the radio volume as well as other sophisticated commands typically found on the Alexa Show.

A basic Alexa radio will tentatively ship in June, allowing users the functions of the Echo Dot.  There’s no mechanical button to press; users simply say “Alexa” and the voice assistant wakes up.   You can ask Alexa for a weather update, or for navigation directions or to check your calendar and other questions.

The Double DIN unit has a 6.2-inch touchscreen and includes a DVD/CD player, MP3, and AM/FM receiver plus 4.0 Bluetooth Connectivity. No price has been announced.

The second generation radio will incorporate the ability to actually control the radio by voice, including volume and station control, as well as access YouTube videos and other content.  The plan is to show this product at CES 2019 in January.

A third generation model from Soundstream will integrate with an OBD2 device to allow Alexa voice control over the car windows and other vehicle functions.

All of the above models can also control house enabled house lights and appliances.

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1 Comment

  1. Yeah because I’d love to have the music mute everytime I say “Alexa *pause* volume up,” rather than just pressing my steering wheel control button once. Exact same issue with the Echo Dot. Secondly, you’d need your phone connected to get those weather updates and navigation. So it’s no different than Ok Google at that point.

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