Comments on: When HD Radio Meets Remote Start News, analysis and comments on the car audio and electronics industry Fri, 29 Sep 2017 04:07:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jeff Bates Fri, 29 Sep 2017 04:07:37 +0000 Directed Electronics should be taking a “high level” look at how they do business with dealers and distributors, or more specifically how hard they make it to actually do business with them, ie buy something, at least here in Canada.

Added to that, why not look to cut the number of brands under their portfolio in the remote starter/security market. Does a “declining market” really need Astrostart, Autostart, Automate, Avital, Clifford, Directed, Python, Hornet, Merlin, Valet, and Viper as brands? Does anyone inside Directed ever say this is ridiculous? Has anyone inside Directed actually spent time in a 12 volt dealer shop and studied today’s consumer behaviour? Too much choice to a customer = no choice made.

I hate to be hard on these guys, as I truly think they make a great product, and have been responsible for innovations in the industry (the new DS4 technology is great), but they keep dropping the ball in so many ways when it comes to sales and marketing, it’s as if they have no idea the market they are in.

Too much “broad high level thinking”, with no action….. the only thing I am seeing is a declining market share for Directed….which is a shame.
