Best Buy to Begin Reopening

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Best Buy reports on Q2 2020

Best Buy said it will reopen 200 stores on an appointment-only basis starting in early May.

CEO Corie Barry said in an email to customers that the company has put into place new safety procedures and trained employees to be able to operate safely, reports Yahoo!Finance.

Customers will now call or click to make an appointment and then receive a text and email reminder.  They are called before the appointment to explain how the in-store consult will work.

Each customer is assigned an employee who maintains social distancing, and wipes down products that the customer tries before and after use.  The customer is then escorted to the register and then to the exit, said CNBC.

All employees will wear masks and gloves and will be required to do a health check.  Signs in the store remind people to practice social distancing.  “Sneeze guards” are posted near the cash registers. Hand sanitizers and wipes will be made available to customers.

The company is also resuming its in-home repairs and visits with new safety guidelines that include a self-health check by Geek Squad workers who will come to the home appointment wearing masks and gloves and other safety gear.  They will keep a distance of 6 feet and mark out that distance from their work space in the home.  They will clean any surfaces they touch and then clean all tools for the next appointment. They will also wipe down surfaces in their vehicle.

Best Buy’s reopening of 200 out of its 1,000 locations comes as other leading retailers are signaling plans to open their doors.

Apple is reportedly planning to reopen many stores in May, reports Bloomberg.  Its retail chief, Deirdre O’Brien made the announcement in a weekly video to employees.

Also, leading mall operator Simon Property Group said it will reopen 49 of its malls and outlet centers on a limited schedule, Fridays through Mondays, said CNBC.

Best Buy closed its stores in March and has been offering online sales and curb side pick up only. It also furloughed 51,000 employees the week of April 15.


Sources: CNBC, Yahoo!Finance, Bloomberg

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