Orca Hosts DSP Seminar Friday

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Orca Design & Mfg Hosts Seminar

Press Release (UNEDITED)–DSP: Your Gateway to Bigger Tickets

Though carmakers have mostly eliminated customization with an aftermarket radio, they recognize car buyers’ desires to customize how their favorite music sounds. As a result, DSP has proliferated from luxury vehicles to create customizable sound experiences in mid-level models.


As a sales professional, aftermarket DSP used to be the thing you “sold” when a customer handed over his credit card and simply said, “Make it sound great.” But today, as carmakers educate the public by spending millions marketing factory DSP, you have a new opportunity to offer customized sound to every aftermarket customer.


Join us this Friday for a sales-focused discussion on how to sell DSP the same way you sell speakers, amplifiers and remote starters, led by product trainer Nick Wingate.  He will be joined by Car Toys director of Hi-End Car Audio Jeremy Boyd, who will share his tactics on “normalizing” the sale of DSP with highly successful strategies.


This training session will lay out a step-by-step process and script that will help you:

  • Discover your customer’s audio preferences and wish list
  • Explain the benefits of DSP in layman’s terms
  • Overcome cost objections

If you interact with customers, this is a can’t-miss training that will educate you, boost your sales confidence and add profitability to every sales ticket!


You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Oct 23, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Selling DSP 101


Please click the link below to join the webinar:


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Webinar ID: 942 4772 5450

Passcode: 741219

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